Enrolments Open from Sat 16th Nov-Junior Infants Sept '25, see Admission Notice in Policies
We are opening 2 Autism Classes this September 2025, both classes are currently full, but please apply online to be added to a wating list.
Click here for our online Enrolment Form - Birth Certs can be emailed to office@rolestownns.ie
Parents' Association-Fri 2nd May Bake Sale
Tue 6th May Clothes Collection
Thurs 12th June School Marathon.
On rainy mornings please enter through first gate.
Transition Year Students need to apply by the 30th September if seeking Work Experience in the School that same school year; please submit CV, letter of application, letter from TY Programme and Garda Vetting from your school if over 16.
Fáilte romhaibh chuig ár suíomh idirlín-welcome to the website of Rolestown NS, Co.Dublin.
Rolestown NS is an inclusive school, where we strive to provide a happy, nurturing and positive learning environment for all our pupils. Children are guided and supported to develop their talents and skills to the best of their ability.
We work in close partnership with the parents, guardians and school community to enable every child to reach their full potential through engaging in a wide range of curricular and extra-curricular activities.
Rolestown NS is guided by its Catholic ethos and promotes the holistic development of every child.
We hope you enjoy visiting our school website to share in our pupil’s news and achievements and also find any information you require.
Phone number: (01) 8404130
Fax: (01) 8900011
E-mail: rolestown.ns@gmail.com
Address: Rolestown National School, Rolestown East, Swords, Co. Dublin.
Eircode: K67 Y308
School Secretary: Ms. Eileen Doherty