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Rolestown Parents Association - What it's all about!

The Parents Association are a group of parents who represent the larger body of parents, we work together with the school management to help ensure a great school experience for all. We also organise activities to raise money for educational and fun purposes for our children. We have an aim of raising €20,000 annually for the school.

There are a variety of activities spread over the year to raise money, and a calendar of events and details are provided below.

Being active in the PA is very rewarding whilst at the same time raising vital funds to support all members of our school community. The time commitment is not huge and mainly consists of an hour every 4/5 weeks during the school year for PA meetings and ad-hoc support for fundraising initiatives and events. We will be looking to recruit at least two parents to the PA committee from Junior infants.

In addition to parents who are an active member of the PA committee we also have a volunteer’s group who can’t dedicate the time to being a full-time member but are happy and willing to help at some of the events through-out the year. Note all members of the PA and volunteers are garda vetted and forms are available from

If anyone would be interested in joining either the PA committee or the volunteer’s group, please reach out to anyone from the PA committee for more information.


Current PA Committee Members

Junior Infants

Senior Infants

Tony Keogh & Fiona Flannery.

Maria Waters.

1st Class

 Linda Grogan, Nina Jerez, Liz McGrath

2nd Class

Eleanor Doyle,

3rd Class

Shauna Prunty

4th Class

Nadia Arthurs, Yvonne Foley

5th Class

Sarah O'Connell, Maria Caraher

6th Class

Niamh Gallahar, Laragh King

Board of Management Rep

Darren Grogan, Liz McGrath


Calendar of Events


Arachas Insurance: The PA provides an option for parents to purchase insurance for their children in the event of accidents or injuries.

Cake Sale: The PA aim to have a cake sale twice in the school year. The first takes place towards the end of September. Everyone is the school is asked to participate if they can, allowing the children or parents to send in something (baked or bought). These are dropped into the sports hall from 8:30 onwards on the morning of the cake sale. The children are asked to bring in a small amount of money and are brought into the hall during the day in their classes to buy cakes/rice crispy buns or whatever they fancy. Parents are welcome from 1:30 for a cup of tea/coffee and to buy some cakes.

AGM: The AGM for the Parents Association is held in October. This is an opportunity to hear about the fund raising from the previous years, finances and plans for the coming year. This is also the time where new members are added to the committee and any changes to the primary roles are agreed.

Calendar Photos: This is one of the primary fund-raising events of the year. Annually the PA arranges a calendar which can be purchased by parents of the pupils. Each month in the calendar is themed and dedicated to class, and we work to get sponsorship from businesses in the area as part of the fund raising. Sponsorship is €250 and the company details are then listed in the calendar along with the company logo on your child’s class month. If anyone is interested in sponsoring, please reach out to anyone in the PA.

Bag to School: Parents are called upon to drop any unwanted clothes, shoes, curtains, bedding, soft toys etc. in bags to the school (inside the school hall or on the trailer inside the first main gate). These are then collected by a recycling company who will pay the school based on the weight of the recycling and 10% of funds go to the Laura Lynn foundation. This is run twice yearly (October & March) This is managed via Bag2School Fundraiser | Ireland's No.1 Fundraiser for Schools

Halloween Disco: We will be running a disco for all children in the school. The disco is split into two based on the ages of the children and there is a small fee for the ticket per child. A tuck shop is also provided onsite during the disco.

St Vincent de Paul Food Collection: In December the PA organise a food collection for the SVP. Food can be left in the school entrance in the run up to Christmas and is collected and delivered by the PA.  

Christmas Concert: The PA provide tea and coffee at the Annual Christmas Concert along with a raffle on the day. Donations of prizes are always welcome.


Hoodies for 6th Class: Each year the PA subsidise and arrange custom hoodies for the 6th class children. These are arranged in January/February so that they can be delivered to the children around Easter. They are then allowed wear them for the remainder of the year.

Valentines Disco: We will be running a disco for all children in the school. The disco is split into two based on the ages of the children and there is a small fee for the ticket per child. A tuck shop is also provided onsite for during the disco.


Post Communion Celebration: The school and PA committee host tea, coffee and snacks for all the communion boys and girls along with their families. This is a great time for the kids to see all their friends and get photos after the ceremony.  Parents of 1st class are asked to help as they will be going through the experience the following year.

Marathon: This is one of the primary fund-raising events for the PA annually and takes place around the June Bank Holiday weekend. This is a sponsored event that all of the children in the school are involved in, every child running a lap of the school pitch which will all together mean that the school has run a full marathon distance. This is a great event for everyone one involved and the junior (junior infants to 2nd class) and senior (3rd class to 6th class) who raise the most money get a Pizza party the last week of the year.

Graduation Disco: This is arranged and supervised by the PA committee and held in Kettles every year for the graduating 6th class only.  5th Class parents are asked to help, as they will be going through the experience the following year.

Graduation Celebration Night: At the end of the school year there is a graduation ceremony for the 6th class and their parents and families. This is a big event for parents and teachers, and the PA committee support this, providing decorations, food, tea and coffee on the night of the event.

Email address

Chairperson: Niamh Gallahar

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